PCI, BOSH, CI/CD, and microservices - white papers galore, with Jared Ruckle

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: It's a white paper party! Jared Ruckle helped several Pivotal platform architects put together four white papers, all released last week, on microservices, PCI, build pipelines, and BOSH. Jared gives us a brief overview of each paper and tells us his highlights. We also discuss recent infrastructure news from Amazon, the world of RAD-cum-low-code, and a bevy of new hype-cycles in the appdev space. The papers: https://content.pivotal.io/blog/the-whiteboard-sessions-introducing-a-new-tech-paper-series Show notes: http://pivotal.io/podcast Transcript: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wwl4j34afmom384/AAB7tDv5--cDRPzrpZHh-HMVa?dl=0