We Answer All Of Your Questions In An All Mailbag Episode of /Film Daily

/Film Daily show

Summary: <br> On the August 21, 2017 episode of /Film Daily, Ben Pearson, Jack Giroux and Brad Oman join Peter Sciretta to answer a ton of questions in the mailbag: 2017 award contenders, best upcoming tv shows, guilty pleasure tv shows, what Marvel Television needs to learn from the MCU, movies we don't understand others loving or hating, the Obi-wan movie, best political movie, most wanted film prop, and the coolest moment on the job. <br> You can subscribe to /Film Daily on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/film-daily/id1254073246?mt=2">iTunes</a>, <a href="https://play.google.com/music/m/Iehcpduswejzvkmow2swayr6ife?t=Film_Daily">Google Play</a>, <a href="https://overcast.fm/itunes1254073246/film-daily">Overcast</a> and all the popular podcast apps (here is the <a href="http://daily.slashfilm.com/feed/">RSS</a> URL if you need it).<br>  <br> In The Mailbag: <br> Max asks “What is your favorite theme park ride?”<br> Peter: Pirates of the Carribean, Star Wars Land<br> Ben: Indiana Jones Adventure <br> Brad: Space Mountain<br> Jack: Anaconda<br>  <br> Tim L asks “What movies and people do you consider awards contenders of those that have already been released this year?”<br> Peter: War for the Planet of the Apes<br> Ben: Get Out<br> Brad: The Big Sick<br> Jack:  Dunkirk <br>  <br> Robert asks “Best upcoming TV Shows for autumn/winter. What show are you most excited?”<br> Peter: Stanger Things 2<br> Ben: The Deuce<br> Brad: AP Bio<br> Jack:  Curb Your Enthusiasm<br>  <br> Mike asks “What is your favorite guilty pleasure tv show?”<br> Peter:  Flipping Out<br> Ben: NOTHING<br> Brad: Big Brother<br> Jack: Californication and Weeds<br>  <br> Brett A asks “ What can Marvel TV learn from the MCU as their latest shows have taken a sharp drop in quality since the MCU/Marvel split?”<br>  <br> David R asks “Controversial, but what are some movies that you just don't understand people hating or loving? Love the podcast, by the way!”<br> Peter: Man of Steel, Dunkirk<br> Ben: Love Actually<br> Brad: Zoolander No. 2<br> Jack: Reign of Fire<br>  <br> Christopher L asks “Who is going to replace Stephen Daldry when the Obi-Wan movie goes for extensive reshoots?”<br> Peter: Luc Besson<br> Ben: F. Gary Gray<br> Brad: Lars Von Trier<br> Jack: Lawrence Kasdan<br>  <br> Wendy wants to know what the best political movie is, fictional or non-fiction.<br> Peter: Bowling for Columbine, Election<br> Ben: The Ides of March, Citizenfour<br> Brad: Charlie Wilson’s War<br> Jack:  JFK<br>  <br> Jacob asks “If you could own one movie prop, regardless of money, what would it be?”<br> Peter: Delorean time machine from Back to the Future<br> Ben: Indiana Jones’ whip<br> Brad: Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters<br> Jack:  alien egg<br>  <br> Kevin asks “what is the coolest moment you’ve experienced while writing about movies”<br> Peter: Meeting Steven Spielberg<br> Ben: Meeting Bill Murray<br> Brad: Captain America: Civil War set visit<br> Jack: Tony Gilroy telling me to get to class<br>  <br> To submit questions to the mailbag, send them to <a href="https://slashfilmdaily.podbean.com/mailto:peter@slashfilm.com">peter@slashfilm.com</a>. Please mention your name and general geographical location in case we mention the question on the air.<br> You can find all that and more at slashfilm.com. You can subscribe to /Film Daily on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/film-daily/id1254073246?mt=2">iTunes</a>, <a href="https://play.google.com/music/m/Iehcpduswejzvkmow2swayr6ife?t=Film_Daily">Google Play</a>, <a href="https://overcast.fm/itunes1254073246/film-daily">Overcast</a> and all the popular podcast apps (<a href="http://daily.slashfilm.com/feed/">RSS</a>). This podcast is published every weekday, bringing you the most exciting news from the world of movies and television as well as deeper dives into the great features from slashfilm.com. We’re