Lucasfilm Story Group’s Role in Star Wars Movies, Rotten Tomatoes, Stephen King, Stan Lee, Apple TV 4K & More

/Film Daily show

Summary: <br> On the September 14, 2017 episode of /Film Daily, Peter Sciretta is joined by Jacob Hall Hoai-Tran Bui to talk about the latest news, including: the effect of Rotten Tomatoes scores on the box office, another Stephen King movie adaptation in development, Stan Lee lines up future Marvel Studios cameos, Apple announced Apple TV 4K and we have a serious discussion about the Devin Faraci/Alamo Drafthouse situation.<br>  <br> You can subscribe to /Film Daily on <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Google Play</a>, <a href="">Overcast</a> and all the popular podcast apps (here is the <a href="">RSS</a> URL if you need it).<br>  <br> In the News: <br> New Study Says Rotten Tomatoes Scores <a href="">Have No Impact on Box Office Numbers</a><br> <a href="">Stephen King’s ‘Suffer The Little Children’</a> Gets a Movie Adaptation in the Wake of ‘It’ <br> Stan Lee Has Already Filmed <a href="">Five More Marvel Movie Cameos</a><br> <a href="">Apple TV 4K Announced</a>; HD Priced 4K Movies &amp; Free 4K Upgrades For HD Movies<br> We have a discussion about <a href="">the Devin Faraci situation</a>.<br>  <br> In The Mailbag: Sherwin from the Bay Area asks “Hey Peter,  It was discussed on the podcast previously why JJ Abrams didn't have a plan or outline beyond Episode 7 and all I could help but wonder was... wasn't that supposed to be the job of the Lucasfilm Story Group?  Perhaps I misunderstood what their purpose is, but I had thought they were supposed to oversee and steer all Star Wars canon and stories so that there was a single cohesive continuity. Does their influence not expand to the films? I had thought it would be similar to how there was at one point a Transformers story group that would determine the films for the next decade or so. Anyway, I find it all very puzzling that this current trilogy wasn't hashed out before Ep 7 even started filming, at least that's what it seems right now. Even the MCU had a loose outline of where they wanted to go, which eventually led to the Avengers film and beyond.   I do listen daily, thanks to you and the crew.”<br> <br> You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today’s show at /Film Daily is published every weekday, bringing you the most exciting news from the world of movies and television as well as deeper dives into the great features from You can subscribe to /Film Daily on <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Google Play</a>, <a href="">Overcast</a> and all the popular podcast apps (<a href="">RSS</a>). We’re still very much experimenting with this podcast, please feel free to send your feedback to us at <a href=""></a>. Please rate and review the podcast on iTunes and spread the word! Thanks to Sam Hume for our logo.<br>