How To Become A Movie Blogger, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Fast & Furious, American Werewolf in London

/Film Daily show

Summary: <br> On the September 15, 2017 episode of /Film Daily, Peter Sciretta is joined by Jacob Hall to talk about the latest news, including an update on the Devin Faraci/Alamo Drafthouse controversy, Max Landis’ An American Werewolf in London remake, a dozen new Star Wars stories have been revealed, Tyrese begs The Rock not to make his Fast &amp; Furious spin-off (find out why) and multiple endings planned for Game of Thrones. In The Mail Bag, we’ll talk about what it takes to get a career writing about movies for a living.<br>  <br> You can subscribe to /Film Daily on <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Google Play</a>, <a href="">Overcast</a> and all the popular podcast apps (here is the <a href="">RSS</a> URL if you need it).<br>  <br> In the News: <br> Devin Faraci situation update<br> <a href="">Even John Landis Doesn’t Want His Son</a> to Remake ‘An American Werewolf in London’<br> Over <a href="">A Dozen New ‘Star Wars’ Stories</a> Have Been Revealed<br> <a href="">Tyrese Begs Dwayne Johnson</a> to Not Make That ‘Fast &amp; Furious’ Spin-Off Before ‘Fast 9’<br> <a href="">‘Game of Thrones’ Will Film Multiple Endings</a> for the Series Finale to Avoid Spoilers<br>  <br> In The Mailbag: Brayden Garcia asks “Hey Peter. Loving slash film daily, listen to it every day it's out. I just had a question of how to enter this movie blogging/writing world. Is there a certain degree plan that gets me into the movie website writing world? I was thinking about go into journalism so I could maybe one day write about movies, because no other job seems like it's worth it, when movies are such a part of me. Thanks for your time and love the podcast man.”<br> To submit questions to the mailbag, send them to <a href=""></a>. Please mention your name and general geographical location in case we mention the question on the air.<br> <br> You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today’s show at /Film Daily is published every weekday, bringing you the most exciting news from the world of movies and television as well as deeper dives into the great features from You can subscribe to /Film Daily on <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Google Play</a>, <a href="">Overcast</a> and all the popular podcast apps (<a href="">RSS</a>). We’re still very much experimenting with this podcast, please feel free to send your feedback to us at <a href=""></a>. Please rate and review the podcast on iTunes and spread the word! Thanks to Sam Hume for our logo.<br>