[7] Why we should believe the Bible, Part IV: Extrabiblical evidence corroborating the Bible.

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Summary: The Bible itself is our most valuable archaeological document. It was written between roughly 1400 B.C. and 100 A.D. and has been proven to be accurate in what it teaches us about ancient history. Given that the Bible is the Word of God and is essential for salvation, we would expect that God would providentially see to it that it was preserved, and he has. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide tremendous evidence of this preservation. And other archaeological finds corroborate many details in the Bible. For example, names of people and places are accurate, the prices of slaves at different times are accurate, and the forms of treaties and covenants in use at different times are accurate.<br> <br> http://www.whatdoesthewordsay.org/podcast/why-we-should-be…rating-the-bible/