18SP: 002 Jason Glass | How to Train and Play Stronger |Dream Big and Overdeliver

The 18STRONG Podcast: Golf | Golf Fitness | Mental Game | Nutrition show

Summary: Jason is one of the first guys that really made an impact on me as a golf fitness professional.<br> From my first experience of his presentation style and  personality at the TPI Leel 2 Fitness Professional course when I met him, I have been a huge fan.<br> Not only is Jay extremely entertaining, but he constantly has his finger on the pulse of the newest and most effective strength and conditioning research for the golfer.<br> You Can Subscribe to the 18STRONG Podcast on iTunes by clicking the button below:<br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/18strong-podcast-golf-golf/id918983997?mt=2" target="_blank"></a><br> Jason’s Background<br> <br> * Top golf strength and conditioning specialist.<br> * Owns/operates Tour Performance Lab and Kinetica Golf Performance<br> * Based in Vancouver BC<br> * Specializes in rotary athletes, biomechanics, physical assessments, and functional strength training<br> * Consultant for top players on the PGA, LPGA, Web.com, European Tour and professional snowboarders<br> * Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Canadian National Team<br> * Head of the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Fitness Advisory Board<br> * Host of the Coach Glass Podcast<br> <br> Topics discussed/Highlights<br> <br> * Loves to help people accomplish their dreams and be all they can be.<br> * Father, husband<br> * Played power sports growing up: hockey, lacrosse, soccer, football<br> * Started out working in the tennis world when training, then branched to golf<br> * TPI level 1 changed his life in regards to screening and learning more about golf performance<br> * Setting an intention and going after it is how Jason got to where he is with TPI<br> * Stand up Comedy<br> * “Fit doesn’t equal performance”<br> * Each golfer has different needs (story of the guy with horse power that needed meat on his bones vs the tempo guy that needed injury prevention)<br> * Figure out their needs and decide what course of action to take?<br> * Don’t screw yourself by letting the things you can control get out of hand<br> * Biggest mistakes:<br> <br> Golfer’s Biggest Mistakes When it Comes to Fintess<br> <br> * not warming up effectively (takes 4 holes to get warmed up)<br> * Not staying hydrated and fueled (drinking on the course, toxic foods<br> <br> What Does Jason Struggle with in His Own Fitness Program<br> <br> * Low back pain: Definitely notices it if he hasn’t been training and doing his corrective exercises.<br> * Beer: don’t feel guilty though<br> <br> What is Jason’s Golf game like these days?<br> <br> * Chipping and pitching are terrible.<br> * Irons are pretty good<br> * Good putting<br> <br> What does your schedule look like with the tour players?<br> <br> * Jay meets with them every 6-8 weeks.  He is more of a consultant, not necessary for him to travel with the guys often<br> * The soft tissue guys are more important on the road as they can work on specific issues and get the guys feeling better and moving right.<br> <br> What do the workouts look like the week of a tournament?<br> <br> * Tuesday: Arrive on site, full body functional workout<br> * Wednesday: Practice day/pro am day, metabolic workout, very intense 30-45 min<br> * Thursday:  1st round early morning work with physio/mobility soft tissue, dynamic warmup, maybe a 20 min feel good workout after the round (kinoga, kinetic yoga)<br> * Friday: Same as Thursday (same for Sat and Sunday if they make cut)<br> * Missed cut, punish days, full workout<br> * Monday off<br> <br> Jay’s Advice<br> <br> * Your trainer shouldn’t hold your hand<br> * Don’t become reliant on your fitness coach (you’re giving up your will power)<br> * Becoming a speaker and presenter has allowed him to impact thousands more people than if he was just working as a trainer<br> * To get more power and distance,