Episode 16 - Brian Prasky - Branch Prediction - 10.02.2017

Terminal Talk show

Summary: <p>Brian Prasky knows what’s going on inside a CPU. He’s so smart he even knows what’s GOING to happen inside a CPU. This episode is all about Branch Prediction, the science and art of providing high-end CPUs with the ability to act faster based on historical data and models. If you use a computer with a processor, this is relevant to you.</p> <p>1:28 What does a Logic Designer do?</p> <p>4:06 The Data at Play</p> <p>9:26 Building the model</p> <p>13:48 How do the *others* do it?</p> <p>18:23 Accuracy, Capacity, Latency</p> <p>22:32 I never metacache...</p> <p>23:59 How can I apply this?</p> <p>25:21 Starting 'em youn</p> <p>27:48 Making Progress</p> <p>28:31 You ain't seen nothing yet</p> <p>29:14 Breaking Apart the Chip</p> <p>IBM Systems Technical University @ Washington D.C. - <a href="https://www-01.ibm.com/events/wwe/systu/systu17dc.nsf/Registration.xsp">https://www-01.ibm.com/events/wwe/systu/systu17dc.nsf/Registration.xsp</a></p> <p>Email: <a href="mailto:contact@terminaltalk.net">contact@terminaltalk.net</a></p> <p>Twitter: @terminaltalk</p>