WRAPPED IN PODCAST EP 18 PT 2: "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind"

Wrapped in Podcast: Twin Peaks Season 3 show

Summary: This is it! We are nearly done. In Episode 18 Part Two of WRAPPED IN PODCAST: TWIN PEAKS SEASON 3, "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" we continue to discuss Part 18 of Twin Peaks: The Return. J.R. continues to keep us informed as to how Part 18 synchronizes with Part 17 and drops Julian Jaynes apropos of almost nothing. Kyle and Ken are disagreeing and then agreeing and then disagreeing. And Jeff explores the history of the unconscious mind with Cormac McCarthy. In our next episode, our panelists will discuss the big picture now that we have finished Twin Peaks: The Return. But, this is the final recap episode! We can barely believe it and have truly enjoyed the pleasure of making this podcast for our listeners over the past several months. Take care, everybody.