Growing Great Commission marriages

ERLC Podcast show

Summary: <p>We’ve reached a tipping point regarding family in our culture. Our society is ravaged by destroyed marriages and dysfunctional families. At the ERLC National Conference, Dennis Rainey said this is an incredible opportunity for Christian marriages and families. We hope this message strengthens you to be a faithful witness to those you live among.</p> <p><em>Hear Dennis Rainey and other speakers at the fourth annual ERLC National Conference on "<a href=";utm_medium=ERLC%20Content&amp;utm_campaign=Nat%20Conf%202017"><strong>Parenting: Christ-Centered Parenting in a Complex World</strong></a>" on August 24-26, 2017 in Nashville, TN.</em></p> <h3>Subscribe here</h3> <p> <a href="">iTunes</a> | <a href="">Google Play</a> | <a href="">Stitcher</a> | <a href="">Tune in</a></p>