Episode 48: 8 December 2011

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: In which we save the Tasmanian Devils, take on the Classics, review cars, discover that toy fandom exists, plan to read LOTS of Australian women writers, and Wonder Woman still doesn't have pants. News Coffeeandink on The Erasure of women writers in SF and Fantasy Mur Lafferty - My Problem With Classics Open letter to publishers: book bloggers are not your bitches Kate Gordon’s Devil Auction - help to save the Tasmanian Devils! (kitten pictures with TEETH) Australian Women Writers Challenge Sign up now Jason Nahrung posted a list of the books he plans to read for the challenge - let us know what yours are! In association with this, Tansy produced a list of award-winning SF/Fantasy books by Australian women. Please keep sending in your suggestions for a Galactic Suburbia Award - we hope to have a plan for this by our 50th episode and are loving reading the tweets and emails so far. What Culture Have we Consumed? Alisa: Bellwether by Connie Willis; American Horror Story; Yarn by Jon Armstrong Tansy: Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor; Jingo The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett, Shortpacked, a webcomic about toy fandom, obsessed people, lots of GLBTQ characters and feminist commentary on pop culture such as this strip about False Equivalence. Alex: Coode St podcast with Ursula le Guin, and also with Ian McDonald and Alistair Reynolds; Spook Country, William Gibson; One of Our Thursdays is Missing, Jasper Fforde; Pirates of the Caribbean 4! Feedback from Kitty of Panel2Panel: Reasoning With Vampires Kitty's post about why Marvel has no equivalent hero to Wonder Woman TANSY RECS for DC comics that don't treat women appallingly: Birds of Prey (start as early as possible, either with the Chuck Dixon issues which are pretty good, or the Gail Simone run which is #56-108) Power Girl: A New Beginning Aliens and Apes - Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner Catwoman run by Ed Brubaker Stephanie Brown Batgirl: Batgirl Rising, The Flood etc. Secret Six, Gail Simone Batwoman. Anything with Batwoman. I HAVE NOT YET FOUND THE PERFECT WONDER WOMAN TRADE TO RECOMMEND. But I do think anyone interested in comics history could get value from reading her first year of adventures, available as Wonder Woman Chronicles Vol. One Marvel dude saying we don’t have to have female characters Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us