Episode 50: 5 January 2012

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: In which we leap happily back and forth (with occasional ranting) over those fine lines between feminist critique and anti-female assumptions, plus share our bumper collection of holiday culture consumed. Happy New Year from the Galactic Suburbia crew! NEWS AND LINKS Hugo nominations open and we're gonna have our say Aqueduct Press will be publishing Brit Mandelo's thesis, "WE WUZ PUSHED: On Joanna Russ Radical Truth-telling"! Islamic superhero comic turned animated series The 99 to screen in Australia (ABC3) Amanda Palmer’s wedding post Great piece on how the very idea of ‘Mary Sue’ is sexist, ties into this episode's theme about the criticism of female characters. The wealth of powerful girl heroes in today’s YA WHAT CULTURE HAVE WE CONSUMED? Alisa: Shades of Milk and Honey, Mary Robinette Kowal; The Freedom Maze, Delia Sherman ; The Vampire Diaries; Primeval; The 99; Planetary; Homeland and Boxcutters. Alex: The Double Life of Alice Sheldon, Julie Phillips; Changing Planes, Ursula le Guin; Perchance to Dream, Lisa Mantchev; Twilight Robbery, Frances Hardinge; Chronicles of Chrestomanci vol 1, Diana Wynne Jones. DOA and Going Postal Tansy: The Freedom Maze, Delia Sherman; Beauty Queens, Libba Bray; Snuff by Terry Pratchett, Going Postal (TV) - Batman (animated) My First Batman Book by David Katz, David Tennant Catherine Tate in Much Ado About Nothing (DIGITAL THEATRE DOWNLOAD AWW YEAH). Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us