045: How Tiny Leaps Can Lead to Big Changes with Gregg Clunis

The Hell Yes Entrepreneur show

Summary: Gregg Clunis is an entrepreneur, podcaster, and consultant and the host of Tiny Leaps, Big Changes, a top-ranked podcast that is focused on making personal development simple and, as Gregg says, “less ‘fluffy’”. In Gregg’s own words: “Personal development has become about saying things that sound nice, but aren’t rooted in any practicality. I started this podcast as a response to what I felt was a rotting personal development industry. Since then it’s grown into a larger community of people around the world who want to change their lives but realize it will take one step at a time to get there.”On the episode, we talk about:· How and why Gregg dove into the world of podcasting· Why he thinks just talking about finding your passion and the work you love can be dangerous· How he decided to create a podcast that focuses on the day-to-day things we can do to improve our lives· Why he thinks the personal development industry can be elitist and that personal development itself is “just your life”· Plus a HYL exclusive announcement about an exciting development in Gregg’s life.… <a href="http://hellyeslife.com/2017/08/22/045/" class="read-more">Read more</a>