CJ Evolution / August 23rd / Episode 128 - Leading effectively in a crisis

Criminal Justice Evolution (CJEvolution) - Hosted by Patrick Fitzgibbons show

Summary: <br> Hello everyone and welcome back to episode 128. In this episode, Patrick talks about some tools and tips in leading effectively in times of crisis.  Sir Ernest Shackleton was an early 19th Century Arctic explorer. He and his team faced certain death when their ship sank, and they were forced to survice on the ice for several months. Sr Shackleton motivated his team to survice and everyone overcame insurmountable odds.  Sir Shackleton is considered one of the greatest leaders in histoy, and his tips and suggestions on how to effectilvey lead in times of crisis is still applicable today in every profession. Check out information about Shackleton here:<br> <br> <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/shackleton_ernest.shtml">http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/shackleton_ernest.shtml</a><br> <br> Stay tuned for more great guest on the show.<br> If you are struggling with some issues in your life or you need help in achieving that next level of success check out my good friend Kim Ades of Frame of Mind Coaching.  Her and her team are dedicated in helping you overcome your life probems and issues and getting you to that next level. Check her out at:<br> <a href="http://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/">http://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/</a><br>  <br> Find this and other espides at <a href="http://www.cjevolution.net">www.cjevolution.net</a><br>  <br> Patrick<br>