SO040: The Habit of Making My Bed

Simplified Organization Audio Blog: quick actions, organized attitudes show

Summary: <a href="">Season 7: Habits</a><br> Why make my bed?<br> It is not so much the made bed itself that is the goal, but the “easy win” factor. By making my bed in the morning I set the tone for the day. It is a victory of willpower (because I’m pathetic and require willpower to make my bed) that doesn’t tax my willpower much (not, like, breaking a habit of eating chocolate in the evening – for a purely theoretical example).<br> Walking in upon a room with a made bed is a reminder throughout the day that I am in charge, I am making progress, I am becoming a more orderly person.<br> <br> <br> <br> Read the original post here:<br> <a href="">January Habit: Making My Bed</a><br> <br> Recommended Reading<br> <a href=";qid=1503120225&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=switch+heath&amp;linkCode=li3&amp;tag=simorganize-20&amp;linkId=f7e12af58c0b4ea1f9dd3c7e267c24b6" target="_blank"></a><a href=";pd_rd_i=1594484805&amp;pd_rd_r=5TJT3WCFJSQ1XHQ5J85N&amp;pd_rd_w=0NkH8&amp;pd_rd_wg=T2xaM&amp;psc=1&amp;refRID=5TJT3WCFJSQ1XHQ5J85N&amp;linkCode=li3&amp;tag=simorganize-20&amp;linkId=1cea85db03112f15d08170a80a356308" target="_blank"></a><a href=";qid=1503120215&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=power+of+habit&amp;linkCode=li3&amp;tag=simorganize-20&amp;linkId=08c036b32c543b26663a5d544139a25c" target="_blank"></a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br>