Maura Sweeney - The Cost of Happiness

Creative Magic Network w/Frederic Byé show

Summary: <p>We all want to be happy, but what if that desire for happiness makes us afraid? Often, we focus on the “cost” of change rather than the ultimate benefits we hope to enjoy.</p><br> <p>The cost of happiness can show up in a variety of ways. Each one of them reveals itself via a private nudge, especially when we’re paying attention to life cues.</p><br> <p>Listen as I share three of my own stories about confronting the cost of happiness: 1) facing a type of self-incarceration so I could adjust for future freedom; 2) acknowledging a life phase was over and shedding old things to prepare for a new, purposeful life chapter; and 3) confronting a private “aha!” moment and choosing to drop childish thinking so I could move into greater realms of authenticity and emotional adulthood.</p><br> <p>Are you ready to pay the cost for experiencing greater happiness? This podcast will help challenge and inspire you to pay in – and expect to gain big benefits in the end.</p><br> <p>Then listen to Margaret from Waterford, Connecticut as she shares what makes her happy from the inside out, too.</p><br> <p>#Fear #ComfortZones #Spirituality #Consciousness #Happiness #Authenticity #Freedom #Empowerment</p>