090 – Q&A Extravaganza #7

Novel Marketing show

Summary:  <br> Q Cadel Sterling says, “I found a local, self-published author, with a really cool sounding book premise, and I bought his e-book and told him I’d review it.<br> It stinks. Just awful. Painful to read. So, what do I do now? Hide and pretend I never read it, or honestly review it honestly-knowing agents and publishers might read my review? Is blasting someone’s half-a-star book going to hurt or help my career? Is it better or worse for the other author to have people pay to read his book that is just so bad?<br> Q- Can I be on your show?<br> Our next question comes from Buy my NBA Video Game. His or her question, we’re not kidding is, “Don’t rush me.” Okay, we won’t. Thanks for playing.<br> Q That let’s us move on to our pal Dave Smale who asks, “I’ve pitched my debut novel to multiple agents, but it’s been crickets. I’ve also written a novella. I’m wondering if I should self publish the novella, give it away free just to get my name &amp; work out there while I try to get an agent? Is that good marketing, or am I thinking like an artist (or “arteest” as Thomas puts it)?” Thanks &amp; keep up the great work!<br> Q Carol Magai asks, I’m an emerging author. I have almost completed a novel and have written 20+ short stories, but I have not submitted them for publication. I understand it is important to have an author’s platform–a website/blog. My question, if you are as yet unpublished, what kinds of things should you upload to your website–a sample chapter from the book, sample short stories, all your short stories to show your range of style?<br> Q Nadine Hocken says, “I have many books plotted out for both fiction and non-fiction, but haven’t completed any of them yet because I have questions about platform before I start writing.<br> First, can authors write both fiction well?<br> I see my fiction as a doorway to non-fiction beginner christian self-help books. Can that work?<br> My fiction is speculative romantic fantasy – a.k.a. not very popular in the christian world<br> Sponsor:<br> <a href="http://www.mybookprogress.com">My Book Progress</a> Just in time for National Novel Writing Month. This free WordPress plugin lets you track your progress and hit your deadlines on your website.<br> Power Close:<br> You have been listening to James L Rubart and Thomas Umstattd Jr. on the Novel Marketing podcast, giving you novel ideas on how to promote yourself and your writing, offline, online, and everywhere in-between. Thanks for listening.<br>