TechByter Worldwide 2017-09-17: Considerable Coolth from Apple. Hold the Phone (the Right Way for Videos). Short Circuits. Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: Apple has announced 3 new phones, 2 of which will be available almost immediately, while 1 won't ship until later in the year. There's also an updated Apple watch and improvement to Apple TV. How do you hold a smart phone when you're capturing video? There's a good chance that you're holding it the "wrong" way, but what's the "right" way and why? So many utility download sites display misleading download links and load up their downloads with extras you don't want that it was refreshing to find one that doesn't. It was even better when I learned about a hidden special feature. Picking up after the Equifax breach may include freezing your credit report at the four credit reporting agencies, so I'll explain how. In Spare Parts (only on the website): As handy as jargon is within an industry, it can be a serious impediment when you're trying to communicate with outsiders. • Foxit has a new tool for PDFs that makes the documents more usable for those who need to use a screen reader. • We'll find out what a digital pumpkin is and why you might want to work in one.