Don Dare! What's that all about?

Vince Tracy's Podcasts show

Summary: The song this week is especially for you "Wirral Splendour" and it extolls the virtues of this wonderful Peninsula we both know so well...even though you are a deserter....I wrote it in the 80's as part of an E.P. I produced for Wirral Borough Council...the words say it all..the council sold it via the libraries and sports centres was written from the heart The Las Vegas shootings have dominated the news here and everywhere's a terrible situation which I doubt will ever be outsiders from other countries the answer is to alter the gun laws and ban guns...but there is a lot more to it than that...America has a very short history and they think differently to the rest of the world...and it would seem that the gun companies make so much money and control the government....apparently you can't buy a Kinder Egg because they are banned....the toy inside might choke a child....but you can buy a machine gun over the counter. We need more nurses and we need more police because the ones we have are under too much pressure...but there isn't enough what we are constantly told....when the likes of Tony Blair and his cronies can rake in 250 grand for ONE after dinner speech....and the likes of Chris Evans raking in 2 million (not quite sure for what) it any wonder?....A nurse gets 25 grand for saving lives...Evans gets the equivalent 80 nurses...but obviously him and the likes of Linacre and his totally unnecessary "pundits" are more important....I'm sure the homeless guy in sleeping in the shop doorway is delighted for them. Now Monarch Airlines has gone under and with the Ryanair fiasco I am glad that foreign travel is of no interest to me any more...I frequently go up to the Lake District and enjoy the ambience and also frequent Snowdonia in does not get any better than this...I can walk in the hills and honestly say there is nowhere else I would rather be...I just don't understand suffering the pressure of airports to go and fry beside a pool which most of those with no imagination seem to do...but I also appreciate that I am fit enough to do what I do...unfortunately some people aren't...but this country has so much to offer which so many don't appreciate. O.K....are you ready for this....forget Superman...forget Batman....forget Captain Marvel...we have our own super hero DAN DARE !!...and he is from SOUTHPORT !!...Dan Dare Pilot of the Future was featured on Radio Luxembourg at 7.15 every night for 15 minutes...back in the fifties.....I never missed an episode....he was also featured on the front of The Eagle comic and the artist who created him lived in Southport....and there is an exhibition on there celebrating the super hero with original artwork etc....Dan Dare...Digby and Jocelyn Peabody....rock on !!!