OYF075: Talk About It Sooner Before It’s a Big Deal

The Marriage Podcast for Smart People show

Summary: Do you ever NOT deal with something between you and your spouse, hoping it will just blow over or that it’s a passing issue? And perhaps life does sail smoothly for a while and then later, BOOM, it comes backs to bite you!?<br> <br><br> Making it a principle in your marriage to talk about issues sooner rather than later will save you a lot of headache.<br> For example, it is my nature to procrastinate (or avoid) dealing with issues and just hope they’ll blow over or go away. Unfortunately, it never seems to work that way, and instead, all these minor issues collect behind a temporary dam.<br> Whenever I react with WAY TOO MUCH emotion over something small (that’s the dam bursting), it’s a good indication to me that I haven’t been dealing with the issues as they arrive.<br> So, what I want to know is,<br> WHY DO WE HOLD BACK?<br> As usual, let’s look at the research:<br> A study was done in 2004 which looked at decisions to withhold complaints in marriage. It points out that even in satisfying relationship there are almost daily relational irritations. (We’re normal, Yay!) Even though the couple may uphold the principles of open and direct communication, the spouses frequently hold back on addressing the irritations. This study then looked at how these complaints related to power in the relationship.<br> It turns out that the person who complains the least holds the least power because they’re withholding in order to avoid negative consequences. A spouse who values his/her relationship is more likely to encourage the expression of complaints to their spouse.<a href="#_edn1" name="_ednref1">[i]</a><br> Learning that blew my theories out the window. I always thought that it was the “strong one” who would let things go, or suck-it-up. Turns out I was wrong…<br> Another thing that affected whether a spouse would bring up irritations, was the type of relationship. In a relationship with more independent spouses, where they valued companionship and closeness but also valued keeping their independence, couples were most likely to express their irritations.<br> More traditional relationships that are invested in stability over spontaneity and hold traditional sex roles, tend to report a moderate proportion of unexpressed irritations. Finally, more individuated companionship type relationship that maintain psychological distance and value individual freedom report the high proportion of unexpressed irritations.<br> What we see here, is that the ore you build a relationship focussed on a strong emotional bond and respecting each other’s individuality, the more likely you are to bring things up. Or, in more psychobabblish language, the more differentiated the relationship, the more likely you are to deal with things sooner. We have a whole episode on <a href="/if-i-need-you-does-that-make-me-needy/" target="_blank">differentiation</a>, but the quick gist of it is the idea of being securely bonded yet individuated is a healthy posture for marriage.<br> A differentiated spouse knows their marriage is not at risk, and can handle the anxiety of pointing out something about their spouse that has upset them.<br> Daily &amp; Palomares (2004) also looked at couples avoiding topics. They found that the more individuals reported avoiding topics overall, the less satisfied they were with their romantically involved dating relationship.  They also found a negative relationship between topic avoidance and satisfaction in families.<br> They conlude that people avoid topics because they are unsatisfied, and those that are satisfied are lead to discuss freely. BUT, they’re not sure about cause and effect. Does dissatisfaction lead to avoidance? Or avoidance to dissatisfaction?<a href="#_edn2" name="_ednref2">[ii]</a><br> We actually don’t know, but we DO know there is a correlation.<br> Does Holding Back Work?<br> We don’t think so, and neither do Daily &amp; Palomares.