Episode 060 – My Take on Bridging Opiates and What the Heck is Imposter Phenomenon?

The NP Dude show

Summary: <p>Today on the NP Dude podcast, I give my take on how I plan on handling the patient unfortunate to find themselves between pain management specialists.  I also respond to a post on Facebook that mentioned the Imposter Phenomenon, what it means, and whether it is helpful for the new NP!  Keep telling your friends about the show and sharing the Facebook page…we are getting closer to the 1,000 likes milestone!  Send those concerns and ideas to me at <a href="Jeff@TheNPDude.com">Jeff@TheNPDude.com</a>, comment on the blog below, or send me a PM on Facebook.  Keep listening on iTunes and shoot me a note that you are out there!</p>