Make Your Nonprofit Happy and Healthy with Beth Kanter On Location from AFP St. Louis

501Crossroads show

Summary: This week, 501Crossroads is on location at the AFP St. Louis Conference on Philanthrophy.  Beth Kanter, Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Speaker Extrodinaire sat down with Marjorie to talk about everything in the nonprofit and tech world, mindfulness, the best conferences out there, and how to plan the best meetings.  You can get Beth's latest book (and Marjorie's bible) Happy Healthy Nonprofit on Amazon or any great book seller.  Check out the Emerging Leaders Playbook at  And connect with Beth on her website, on Twitter, on Facebook. Plus on her website, you'll find more ways to connect and her fantastic blog on all things nonprofit, tech, and balanced living.  Connect with Us! Natalie on LinkedIn- Marjorie on LinkedIn-   501Crossroads on Facebook- 501Crossroads on Twitter-