Episode 39- Adrian Ballinger: A Tall Glass of Chilled Suffering & #EverestNoFilter

Touching the Trail Podcast show

Summary: "I like suffering. That's where I find the most interesting things about myself. And it turns out that I'm good at it. Right? That there's something in me that allows me to push through pain." Through snow, and ice, and rock, and cold Adrian Ballinger is an amazingly experienced and accomplished mountaineer who started young and has not stopped going since. The year after college Adrian tried to get the mountains out of his system, but almost 20 years later they're still coursing through his veins, literally and figuratively. His life has been filled with the journey to better understand pain and in today's episode we get to see the mind that allows Adrian to push up the tallest mountains in the world. Life is filled with obstacles, we face them every single day, and while Adrian's are literal mountains so big we can't even comprehend, we can still learn from him, mountaineer or not. So sit back today and take a listen to Adrian Ballinger and learn a little bit better to summit your own mountains. You may have to turn around sometimes, but there is always another time to try, a better way to train. In addition we talk about #EverestNoFilter which is his and Cory Richard's recent attempt to summit the North Side of Everest without oxygen. Cory made it, but Adrian had to turn around which is a big topic today. Family, his story, and his company Alpenglow Expeditions are also deeply discussed. Enjoy! http://alpenglowexpeditions.com/ Twitter: @alpenglowexp Instagram: @adrianballinger Snapchat: adrianjb Me: http://touchingthetrail.com Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bEENNP Twitter: @jarodrunsdirt Instagram: @jarodrunsdirt Youtube: JarodRunsDirt