Episode 45- Rip Esselstyn: Just Freakin' Do It!

Touching the Trail Podcast show

Summary: "Just freakin' do it, because in 2016 there really is no excuse to not have a plant-based lifestyle, it's just the most logical choice." This is another podcast guest that I have been waiting a long time to have on and again it was totally worth the wait. I am honored to say that I have Rip Esselstyn on today's episode. He is a very informed advocate for a plant-powered lifestyle and wrote the incredible book The Engine 2 Diet, recording his success with a plant-strong life. I hope you will enjoy today's funny and information filled discussion on his story, a plant-based lifestyle's impact on his life and others, it's benefits, it's misconceptions, the importance of good, whole food, and much more. So listen to be inspired to change or improve your journey, because like Rip says there really is no excuse to not be eating only plants. Improve yourself, your community, and our world! http://engine2diet.com/