059: The Death of Dieting with Michelle Rycroft

Grace & Grit Podcast show

Summary: I have to admit that I don’t follow a ton of female trainers online because I have a beef with the message a lot of trainers and health coaches are selling to women. If you are a regular listener of this show, you are well aware that I loathe quick fix tactics, supplement pushing, radical detoxes and the like.<br> <br> The trainers and coaches I adore are the ones who are preaching slow and steady, sensible habit change with their clients, who don’t skirt the fact that there is a lot of work involved in any meaningful transformation; people who walk the talk. So, when I see a female health professional demonstrating those things consistently, only then do I become interested and, of course, invite her to be a guest on the Grace &amp; Grit podcast. Which was exactly the case with my guest today, Michelle Rycroft, who owns a sweet little online coaching business called Ripped by Rycroft.<br> <br> Michelle herself has gone through a radical health transformation…and who doesn’t love a great transformation story…and now inspires and educates women to take responsibility for their own health. Obviously, we are kindred spirits that way, which is another reason I asked her to be a guest on the show.