Episode 219: How to Create a Fail-proof Mastermind Group (FS219)

The Fizzle Show show

Summary: <pre><code> &lt;p&gt;We know you’ve heard it before (um, even from us) — you should join a mastermind group, also known as a group of 4-6 people who meet about every two weeks to give each other advice and hold one another accountable to big goals. It’s kind of a no brainer, isn’t it? We all know that trying to do it all alone as an entrepreneur is a recipe for eventually giving up when the going gets tough. So to join forces with people who get what you’re doing, who you can bounce ideas off of — it’s basically a way to build an informal board of advisors into your business. We’ve already written all about masterminds, what they are and how to find them. So for today’s conversation, we’re approaching this from a new angle. We’re focusing on the pitfalls: why groups fizzle out before they really get off the wrong, how even groups with the best of intentions might set themselves up to fail, and how to build yours strong from the start to avoid losing steam. Show Notes: FizzleShow.co/219&lt;/p&gt; </code></pre>