Episode 227: How to ENJOY Sales, Without Feeling Cheesy, Manipulative & Gross (FS227)

The Fizzle Show show

Summary: <pre><code> &lt;p&gt;The whole “sales” thing has been a little bit wrecked by used car salesmen, Glengarry Glen Ross and old dudes in suits in weird hotel ballrooms.&lt;/p&gt; </code></pre> <p>In the online business world, there’s a lot more fun shiny stuff to talk about than real deal selling.</p> <p>Sometimes we inadvertently make content creation the sun around which our entire businesses orbit, as if churning out enough content powers our business.</p> <p>But as a Fizzler, Harriet, admitted in a recent email, she created 300 videos and never made more than $5,000 a year in her business until she dealt with some deeper sales fear.</p> <p>So today, we’re facing this head on: sales is the sun, or the engine of our businesses. Without sales, you’ve got a glorified hobby.</p>