#58a Dating a friend's ex - what if the ex keeps her BF a secret?

Women of Uncertain Age: two single, divorced women laughing their way through dating and relationships show

Summary: We're talking and you're eavesdropping! In response to a recent episode in which we discussed whether you can date a friend's ex, a listener asked the following question and here's our answer: "What if the ex girlfriend kept the boyfriend a secret from all her friends? I know someone who dated a girl for a long time and was in a formal girlfriend/boyfriend relationship, they practically lived together and she met all his friends however the girl kept the guy a secret to her friends. It's a crappy way to treat anyone. After the breakup the guy found out that the girlfriend never told anyone that she had a boyfriend and it was really sad. With social platforms like facebook where you can see if the ex is friends with people you may meet or in a small community like dc where you are going to meet everyone at least once if you are active, are the ex girlfriends friend's off limits when they never knew of a relationship in the first place?"