Operation Self Reset | Self Help 101 | Confidence | Self Esteem | Motivation | Inspiration | Goal Setting| Success Factors: Personal Change, Quick or Slow?

Best Self Improvement Podcasts - 7 Per week show

Summary: Published on 30 Nov 2016. Hoping you had a great Thanksgiving day! But even if you didn’t because you were down with a flu or a bug, like Jake was, let’s remind ourselves we are freaking awesome. Even more so when we do not feel like it! Shouting out “I am freaking awesome” in a power position is one of the best things you can do to release some much needed endorphines. Here’s what’s been covered, in a nutshell: * Good decision making skills are difficult to acquire when you are dependent on someone else, be it your spouse or your boss. * Also, commitment is not a strong point of any person who depends on someone else. * Having an accountability partner is one of the major success factors when you are trying to change yourself. If you do not have one, find one! * Personal change does take time! Do not get discouraged when you do not see instant changes! * Take one day at a time and resolve to keep acquiring great habits. * Working out now is for ten years from now. * Make training activities fun, otherwise you run the risk of getting bored quickly. * Do not manipulate recipes and rules you need to follow. Mentioned in this episode: * selfresetmastery.com * https://www.hellofresh.com – use promo code „reset” for 30 dollars off. Before You Go Head over to www.operationselfreset.com and sign up for the Toolbox of free gifts that will help motivate and inspire you! Connect with Jake on Twitter and let him know how you enjoyed the show! You can also connect with him on Facebook or send him an email at support@operationselfreset.com. Subscribe to Jake’s podcast for more inspiration! Sign up for his emails full of tips to change your life!