Episode 6: We Get So Lonely, We Forget What We're Worth

AnzalduingIt show

Summary: Jackie reminisces on queer platonic love and affirming her panza with Al Pastor tacos. Angélica was Tasha from Insecure and lived to tell the tale. Walter Mercado Corner: LEO! Check out the work of queer Mexico City photographer Rotmi Enciso: https://www.instagram.com/comandantafortuna/ Some resources to get ya’ll started on being your own Walter: To get your birth chart: http://alabe.com/freechart/default.asp Some astrologers to follow! Danielle Ayoka https://twitter.com/MysticxLipstick?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Chani Nicholas http://chaninicholas.com/ Galactic Rabbit http://galacticrabbit.com/