11/18/2016 Friday – Jim Lee “artificial clouds” ClimateViewer.org

The Ochelli Effect show

Summary: <a style="color: #003366;" href="http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archives/Ochelli-Effect-32k-111816.mp3">11/18/2016</a>    Friday - <a href="http://climateviewer.org/">Jim Lee</a>  touches on Slavespeak, HAARP, Mind Control, <a href="https://climateviewer.com/rezn8d/">His personal history as an anon force, </a>and the main thrust of the conversation centers on <a href="http://climateviewer.org/geoengineering-timeline/">"artificial clouds" AKA Chemtrails and/or Geoengineering</a>. Jim has a solution and a history lesson on Man-Made clouds and weather warfare. Jim will be speaking at G. Edward Griffin conference in AZ in December. Jim is the creator of <a href="http://climateviewer.org/3D/">Climateviewr.org</a><br> <br> <br>