Show 4 Excited and aggressive dog greetings

Doggy Dan Podcast Show show

Summary: The Doggy Dan Podcast Show No.4 is available now. This blog will give you an overview of what is included in the podcast: Excited and aggressive dog greetings. (If you are not needing help with this topic then don’t worry, the topic you want is coming soon… just leave me a comment and let me know what you'd like me to cover, OK? Alternatively you can go straight to my video website to watch ALL my training videos, over 300, at The Online Dog Trainer - all for just $1!) So what's in this podcast… This podcast looks at the very common issue of dogs meeting other dogs on the walk and being so excited barking, pulling and jumping that their behaviour looks anything but friendly. Very often there has been no aggression but your gut instinct tells you that all is not well and it would be wise to nip the behaviour in the bud. I couldn’t agree more. Prevention is better than cure and that's what this podcast is all about. But first to that question… Excitement or Aggression? “So is my dog being aggressive or are they just excited?” This is the big question that many people are asking themselves, (and often me) as their dogs race up bounding and barking at dogs that they meet. The answer is not simply one or the other, and in most cases I would suggest it is a bit of both. As I explain in the podcast the more excited your dog is the more chance that their behaviour may be interpreted at aggressive or threatening and so the calmer your dog is the better your chances of a calm encounter. What should I do when my dog is pulling and lunging Inside the podcast I go through in detail your three options... Walk away – if your dog is way too excited Let them meet – if your dog is calmer than usual Calming your dog down, then make a decision – this is where the training comes in It may sound a bit obvious but having those three options clear in your mind will give you some immediate direction as you approach a dog. Knowing what your options are helps you to select the right one which in turn will help you to achieve your goal. An amazing journey for answers I also look at one lady's quest to solve her dog's over-excited barking towards other dogs and how 4 different trainers had given 4 completely different solutions to this issue, none of which have brought her any joy. We look briefly at some of the unsuccessful approaches she has tried, what she has learnt from the 35 dog training books she has read and the fascinating insights that she has gained. This podcast is dedicated to her commitment to finding an answer! Calming your dog down The real key to success is understanding how to calm your dog down. Inside the podcast I explain how the following areas will help you achieve this. Practical tools and techniques – some of the methods that I use everyday for calming your dog down that are especially useful on the walk and at the park How being the pack leader at home will result in a completely different dog at the park (calmer!) The trick of calming an over excited dog and what you are trying to achieve when you are training them to be calm. (this is a very subtle point but is crucial for success and often overlooked.) So if you are are wondering how to interpret and alter your dogs behavior as they approach other dogs then you have found the place. First listen to my free podcast and if you enjoy it and it all makes sense then I’d suggest you get straight onto solving the cause of the problem by checking out my video website All the best, and enjoy your walks!