Show 6 Barking when left alone.mp3

Doggy Dan Podcast Show show

Summary: This post will give you an overview of what’s included in this episode: Barking When Left Alone. If you have a dog that's barking and barking every time you leave the house, then this is for you… But if your pooch is calm when you're out, then please, in the comment section below, tell me what issues you’d like me to cover in future episodes. Alternatively if you have a dog or puppy and want help with other problems or you need some dog training, then go straight to my video website and watch over 250 of my training videos at The Online Dog Trainer - try it all for just a $1! Helping dogs who bark when they are left at home alone. So what’s in this podcast? Well let me explain: Understanding the cause The first thing that I help explain is the reason behind why most dogs are barking when they are left. Very often we assume or think that it is our dogs way of showing us that they are bored, or just being naughty however this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact a good way to test out the bored theory is to ask yourself if your dog is bored when you are at home… If they are calm and relaxed most of the day then the chances are that your dog is not simply bored! (And dogs are not naughty for the fun of it – so that rules that out). The two main causes In fact the two main scenarios that cause your dog to bark are trigger barking and separation anxiety. They are very different scenarios. Trigger barking is where something sets your dog off and your dog simply does not stop. They are stressed and just keep on going. Whereas separation anxiety doesn’t need a trigger to get your dog barking, they simply become stressed when you leave and bark continuously. Inside the podcast I help explain fully what is going on in these two situations and explain what the solution is. Other techniques There are so many approaches to solving barking but most of them do not go to the root cause of the problem. In some situations they can certainly help and are worth trying however I would recommend only in conjunction with the basic solution that I have put together. On their own they are very unlikely to work. We cover all the home alone barking issues Here is a short list of some of the other things that we also discuss which impact your dog's barking when they're alone… Exercise – does it help, is it the solution? The Environment – the impact that making your dog comfortable can have Herbal remedies vs drugs – would I recommend them? Music, TV – whether it can help your dog Inside vs outside – where is best for your dog Large area or small – what will work best Why harsh methods that just try to “stop the barking” are missing the point As you can see it is an action packed podcast. At the end of it you will see barking dogs in a fresh new light and you will see that stopping barking dogs even when you are not at home is not complicated – you just need to know how :) and hopefully your neighbours will love you even more! Dogs are beautiful and amazing creatures. They deserve to be treated and understood for what they are. This podcast is all committed to us understanding them and helping them better. Getting it right So if you are wondering how to stop your dogs barking when they are left at home alone then you have found the right place. First listen to my free podcast and if you enjoy it and it all makes sense then I’d suggest you get straight onto solving the cause of the problem by checking out my video website The Online Dog Trainer - there's a whole section on Barking with loads of videos of me dealing with the problem in other people's homes, and specifically, videos on Barking When Left Alone.  Join here: The Online Dog Trainer (for over 300+ detailed, step-by-step videos covering every issue of dog training, including The 5 Golden Rules of being the Pack Leader)