The MV Podcast 003: Whipped Cream & Other Delights

The Modern Vinyl Podcast show

Summary: Subscribe on iTunes<br> <br> The Modern Vinyl podcast is back for its third episode, with a discussion of the first couple months of summer and what exactly that will bring music-wise. We talk about releases from Coldplay, Conor Oberst and Say Anything, among many others. Stick around from some great music from Del Paxton, along with talk about James' love life and what reader questions we get into this week.<br> <br> Here's the breakdown for episode 3:<br> <br> Sponsored By:<br> Enjoy The Ride Records<br> Pick up their brand new vinyl pressings of Reel Big Fish's Turn The Radio Off and Cartel's Chroma, along with previous vinyl releases<br> ETR Twitter<br> ETR Facebook<br> ETR Instagram<br> <br> Notes:<br> <br> <br> During the recording of the podcast, the tweets started to trickle out regarding the Cartel Chroma vinyl pressing controversy involving Enjoy The Ride Records. There really wasn't much information available at that time, which is why we didn't talk about it. We still don't really know what happened, as it's more of a "he said, she said" type of situation at this point. In other words, that's why we didn't touch on it this episode.<br> I left "Boyhood" out of my most anticipated summer movie list. It very much belongs on there and you should check out the story behind the film.<br> Whipped Cream &amp; Other Delights. The photo speaks for itself.<br> <br> Timeline:<br> Summer Music Preview: Part 1<br> Coldplay — Ghost Stories (Buy)<br> May 20th/Atlantic Records<br> Conor Oberst — Upside Down Mountain (Buy)<br> May 20th/Nonesuch Records<br> Tigers Jaw — Charmer (Buy)<br> June 3rd/Run For Cover Records<br> Fucked Up — Glass Boys (Buy)<br> June 3/Matador Records<br> Say Anything — Hebrews (Buy)<br> June 10th/Equal Vision Records<br> Candy Hearts — All The Ways You Let Me Down (Buy)<br> June 10th/Violently Happy Records<br> Jack White — Lazarreto (Buy)<br> June 10th/Third Man Records<br> Parquet Courts — Sunbathing Animals (Buy)<br> June 10th/Mom + Pop<br> Cerebral Ballzy — Jaded and Faded (Buy)<br> June 17th/Cult Records<br> Del Paxton — October<br> Weekly News Roundup<br> Releases for May 20th<br> Reader Mailbox<br> Del Paxton — Motion Sick<br> <br> Trivia<br> Dr. Lintgen, the man who could identify the various orchestral pieces by touching the grooves of a record first performed the trick at a party in 1977 after being challenged to try it by friends.<br> <br> Music<br> Provided by Del Paxton<br> Pick up their 12" record at Secret Audio Club<br> Intro Music from "Here Comes The Night Time," by Arcade Fire/Merge Records