The MV Podcast 005: Their Wedding

The Modern Vinyl Podcast show

Summary: Subscribe on iTunes<br> <br> The Modern Vinyl Podcast is back for episode number 5, as I talked with Their Wedding about their upcoming EP, titled Wine. The EP, to be released through True Grit Records on June 3rd, is a big step forward for the indie rock three-piece, now transformed into a full time gig for the three talented members, all of which I had the pleasure of speaking with. We chat about the inspiration behind many of the new tracks, while we also have the exclusive premiere of "Move," along with "Military Child." But most importantly, we find out why frontman Mike Escanuelas has such a big Fall Out Boy vinyl collection.<br> <br> You can pre-order the Wine EP on a couple different vinyl variants, here.<br> <br> Here's the breakdown for episode 4:<br> <br> Timeline:<br> 3:15, Beginning of Their Wedding interview<br> 14:54, "Military Child" Stream<br> 25:53, "Move" Exclusive Stream<br> 34:45, We play of round of "Pick Your Poison" while debating the merits of a couple overplayed hit singles<br> <br> Notes:<br> <br> <br> Here's a few links for Their Wedding if you want to check them out further<br> Facebook<br> Twitter<br> Soundcloud<br> True Grit Records<br> Wanna play our new game "Pick Your Poison"? Here are the rules: List off two musical items, both of which are at least disliked in musical circles. You are to choose one of those songs or albums to keep in musical history and one to trash forever. In other words, which could you live with more?<br> <br> Music<br> Provided by Their Wedding<br> Pick up their 12" record at True Grit Records<br> Intro and Outro Music from "Here Comes The Night Time," by Arcade Fire/Merge Records<br> <br> Want to Sponsor The Modern Vinyl Podcast?<br> If you'd like to sponsor the podcast, you can contact us at It's very affordable and you get numerous mentions throughout the podcast. You can check out our first few episodes, which were sponsored by Enjoy The Ride as an example.