Episode 31: John Murphy

YTunes Shuffle show

Summary: <br> The YTunes Shuffle Podcast visits with radio legend/tv producer/comedy writer/voice over extraordinaire, John Murphy! Host <a href="https://www.facebook.com/MaggiMayfieldComedy/">Maggi Mayfield</a>learns all about the long history between guest Murph and cohost, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/david.r.waterman.9">David Earl Waterman</a> and how between the two of them, dear friend John Ennis is the center of the Universe.<br> John shares stories of long drives with his dad and where they would end up, how his mom ran an FBI sting in her home and why a Boston criminal cheered her up. His background in small town Massachussetts let him to some strange jobs and he describes what a typical Saturday night looked like in Randolph, MA. We also get to learn his 'Kryptonite" and how an album cover drove his mother crazy!<br> Eventually he would learn the art of writing comedy from Dennis Leary and even Wheel of Fortune made it into the episode because the show plays a big part in his career early on.<br> The room shares stories of our first loves before digging into a beautiful story from the Tune Squad. Our Listener of the week is David's mother, who shares a song that reminds her of him on his birthday. (This episode was recorded just before his birthday). To share a story and song of your own, please email ytunesshuffle@gmail.com.<br> In honor of David's Birthday, we also go back to Ithaca, NY, his hometown to play a round of Band or Bar, brought to you by <a href="http://m2mstudios.tv/">M2M studios.</a><br> John's Guilty Pleasure and First Concert take us through the end of the episode; but don't worry, if you'd like to ask John more questions, or follow his work more closely, you can find him <a href="http://www.simpaticocreative.com/">here</a>! There are more stories that just didn't quite make the episode, and you can find those <a href="https://soundcloud.com/user-610019470">B-Side Tracks here</a>!<br>