CJ Evolution / July 17th / Episode 118 - Cyberterrorism & Cybercrime expert Morgan Wright

Criminal Justice Evolution (CJEvolution) - Hosted by Patrick Fitzgibbons show

Summary: <br> Hello everyone and welcome back to episode 118. In this episode Patrick talks with Morgan Wrigt. Morgan is an internationally recognized expert on cybersecurity strategy, cyberterrorism, identity theft and privacy. His landmark testimony before Congress on Healthcare.gov changed how the government collected personally identifiable information. He has made hundreds of appearances on national news, radio, print and web, and has spoken to audiences around the world. <br> Enjoy this interview with a true American Hero.<br>  <br> You can find Morgan here:<br> <a href="http://www.morganwright.us">www.morganwright.us</a><br> <a href="http://www.identitySecurity.com">www.identitySecurity.com</a><br> @morganwright_us<br>  <br> Patrick <br>