Calvary Chapel Central - Phoenix and Arrowhead show

Summary: W0729 Nehemiah is a book about re-building that which is broken down. It’s about seeing a work that needs to be done and allowing the Holy Spirit the freedom to use us to accomplish that work. Sometimes - even as Christians, there are things in our lives that need building or re-building. It could be our devotional life, a career, being a parent, or even being a godly spouse. On the ministry side of things, it could be as a Sunday school teacher, a Bible study leader, or a family devotional time that needs building or re-building. For us to be effective in any area we need to know that there is a Biblical way to build and there is a carnal way to build. As we get involved in the task, it can be a wonderful, fulfilling experience or: We can end up feeling inadequate, worthless, and frustrated to the point of never wanting to “ever try” again. That is where studying Nehemiah and his success at re-building the walls around Jerusalem can be of great benefit to us. God’s greatest purposes can only be achieved in us inasmuch as we are willing to do things HIS way. John 5:30 (NKJV) "I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. D. The book of Nehemiah gives us tremendous insight into the Biblical principles of re-building that which is broken down.