52. Meridian

The Rules of Acquisition: A Star Trek Deep Space Nine Podcast show

Summary: Oh, boy, this episode. Enjoy it's many pleasures. We didn't! Brigadoon? More like Briga-doomed... ...Briga-don't? Don't expect the writing of this episode to exceed the hack joke writing of the above. Dax is in love and things quickly escalate to a 90's safe-for-television level of risque. We however, DO NOT keep it safe for TV outside of premium cable. Lots of eating fruit. Suggestively. Picnics! Picnics! Picnics! But all is not lost: There is Jeffrey Combs, in his first Star Trek appearance! One of several aliens he'll portray on Deep Space nine Q: Is this one more Bradley Whitford, or Vivian from the Young Ones? (A: Whitford) Combs' ginger whitford also has lascivious intentions, but Kira is having none of it. There is a pretty popular gif that comes from this episode though. Don’t listen to this one with your kids in the car!