The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.12.17

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Kim Olver, psychotherapist and William Glaser Institute director, talks with us again and in more depth about psychotherapy—the basic principles, how to relate to people we are helping, and how to train people to help others.   Both of us believe that mental health services can be delivered better and much less expensively by training good people to be therapists without requiring extensive prior schooling and professional degrees.   By making training and certificates more easily available, many people could become fine therapists, providing services at much lower costs as trainers or coaches.  You can meet Kim Oliver, Bob Whitaker and myself at a Kim’s conference next week, July 26-July 28, 2017 in Raleigh, North Carolina.   Our Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy is cosponsoring.   For more information, go to <a href=""></a> and click on Upcoming Events on the drop-down menu.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>