Treasure for Trinkets

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "You may show this necklace to your class, Eva, but I don't want it damaged," said Mom. "It belonged to my Grandma Snead when she was a little girl. It's not worth a lot of money, but it's valuable to me, so be sure to take good care of it." "I will," promised Eva as she and her brother Jason left for school. When Eva and Jason came home that afternoon, Eva was all smiles as she pulled a music box from her backpack and wound it up. "Look what Nikki brought to school today," she squealed as a little bird on the top spun around while music played. "I let her borrow Grandma Snead's necklace, and she gave me the music box to play with tonight. We'll trade back tomorrow." Mom frowned. "Eva, you were given the responsibility of taking care of that necklace," she said sternly. "You should have known better than to trade." "Nikki will be careful," said Eva. "If she hurts it, I'm sure she'll replace it." Mom sighed. "It's not replaceable," she said as she went to answer the phone. When Mom returned, she was smiling. "That was Nikki's mother," said Mom. "She recognized that Grandma Snead's necklace is valuable to me and insists on coming right over to return it. You'll have to return the music box, too." Eva sighed. "Okay," she said. "You're like the French traders, Eva," declared Jason, who had been listening. "When they first came to America, they tricked the natives into trading furs and gold and silver for shiny little trinkets, like mirrors and worthless beads." "I didn't trick anybody," protested Eva. "Well, then . . . maybe you're the one who was tricked," suggested Jason. As Eva began to deny that, he added, "My Sunday school teacher says people get tricked all the time and don't even know it. He says Satan always likes to trick us into making poor trades." "Like what?" Eve asked. "Well, for example, Mr. Crane said we might trade spending time with God and learning about Him for time to watch TV or play video games or go to baseball games," Jason explained. "Good point," observed Mom. "We need to be careful to not be tricked into trading away the most valuable things we have--not even for other good things." How About You? Has Satan tricked you into making a poor trade? He'd like to give you television programs in exchange for time spent with God, dirty books in exchange for wholesome thoughts, cigarettes and drugs in exchange for good health. For your soul, he may even offer you popularity and the riches of the world. Don't let Satan fool you. Hold on to the valuable treasures God has given you. Today's Key Verse: What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? (Matthew 16:26) Today's Key Thought: Don't be tricked by Satan