UMBCast 046 - Trek Games

The Upper Memory Block show

Summary: For this show, something a bit different. I'm away so won't have time to put out a proper show. Instead, I'll be bookending a Treks in Sci Fi show I did back in September of 2012 where I talk about the great Interplay games Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Star Trek: Judgement Rites. Still though, there's some news: Tim Schafer has stated that the second part of Broken Age has funded and can now begin development. Next, it appears that Descent 1 & 2 are now available on Steam. We then get into the TrekSF episode. It's slightly truncated from the original which ca be found here: Next time, I'll be covering the 1994 Revolution Software adventure, Beneath a Steel Sky. Hope you enjoy the show!