2-1-17 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Greg Cochran - Todd Starnes - Dale Bellis

Janet Mefferd Today show

Summary: The Bible tells us Christians are a peculiar people -- in the world but not of it, and with a Master whose cross offends. What do we need to understand about the nature of the enmity between the world and the Christian? Dr. Gregory Cochran joins me to talk about it as we discuss his book, "Christians in the Crosshairs: Persecution in the Bible and Around the World Today." Plus: Fox News’ Todd Starnes offers his thoughts on the Boy Scouts of America now agreeing to accept “transgendered” children in their troops. Dale Bellis, president of Liberty HealthShare Ministries, also discusses the latest news regarding the plan to repeal Obamacare. That and more on Wednesday’s JANET MEFFERD TODAY.