No, Machine Learning Won’t Lead to Killer Robots (Ep. 12)

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: Depending on what you read, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are either going to revolutionize the world we live in or cause its destruction. Some think ML and AI will lead to cures for cancer, for example, while others worry ML and AI will pave the way for intelligent killer robots that annihilate mankind. As with most things in life, the truth lies somewhere in between. In this episode of Pivotal Insights, host Jeff Kelly speaks with Frank McQuillan, Director of Product Management at Pivotal for Apache MADlib, an open source-based machine learning library. The two talk about the realities of ML and AI in the enterprise, discuss the potential impact of increasing automation on jobs, share examples of Pivotal customers that are solving real business problems with ML today, and offer tips to enterprise practitioners for identifying potential valuable ML and AI use cases.