107: Summer Intuition

Always A Lesson's Empowering Educators Podcast show

Summary: Summer break is upon us. Educators spend this time away from the classroom in a variety of ways, and no one way is better than the other. However, we are often quick to share advice on how someone should spend their time and this isn’t often what is best for that particular individual. Tune in to hear how to listen to your summer intuition (regardless of what others are saying) so that you can be your best for your kids in the fall.<br> Quotables<br> <br> Wait until they invite you into the dialogue (keep your mouth shut)<br> For the sake of the relationship, its out of respect for one another to watch for the cues<br> It’s about what your mind and body need<br> <br> Connect with Gretchen<br> <br> Email: gretchen@alwaysalesson.com<br> Blog: Always A Lesson<br> Facebook: Always A Lesson<br> Twitter: @gschultek<br> Instagram: Always.A.Lesson<br> Linkedin: Gretchen Schultek Bridgers<br> Google+: Gretchen Schultek Bridgers<br> Book: Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn't Teach You in College<br> <br> Leave a Rating and Review:<br> https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-lessons-empowering/id1006433135?mt=2<br> Why?<br> This helps my show remain active in order to continue to help other educators remain empowered in a career that has a long lasting effect on our future.<br> How?<br> Search for my show in iTunes or Stitcher.<br> Click on ‘Ratings and Reviews.’<br> Under ‘Customer Reviews,’ click on “Write a Review.”<br> Sign in with your iTunes or Stitcher log-in info<br> Leave a Rating: Tap the greyed out stars (5 being the best)<br> Leave a Review: Type in a Title and Description of your thoughts on my podcast<br> Click ‘Send’