50: How to Deal with People That Are Not Respecting You with Mia

Over it and On with it with Christine Hassler show

Summary: Today's caller, Mia, is dealing with sexual harassment from her boss at a newly acquired job and she is scared to stand up for herself. This situation is in no way Mia's fault. While listening, I want you to take note of your reaction to what Mia shares. Does it make you angry? Does it trigger anything in your past? If you react to anything she shares, reach out for help and support. Reaching out for help is the only way to get out of a toxic situation. If you are in a situation in which you feel you are being abused or harassed in some way, please do not keep it a secret. It's important not to allow judgment to blind us from seeing the learning in a situation. Sexual harassment is one of those things that can trigger a lot of judgment. From a spiritual perspective, there is no good, bad, right or wrong. Being disrespected is not something to accept in the name of love or spirituality. However, going into blame mode doesn't solve anything either. Our relationship with ourselves, from our self-talk to self-perception to our daily habits, directly impacts the people we attract and how people in our lives treat us. If we want to change the way people treat us, we need to change ourselves first. Coach's Tip - The reason I didn't start off with taking legal action is because it would have been judgmental and highly reactionary. I needed to do some detective work first, to see if this situation was bringing up unresolved issues that were coming up to heal, which is what was happening in Mia's case. I invite you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which includes meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. There are only 2 reservations left. E-mail Jill@ChristineHassler.com for information on how to join any of my events or business programs. Consider/Ask Yourself: ? Is there or has there been someone you felt disrespected or harassed by? ? Do you hold back from standing up for yourself, because you don't want to make waves? ? Are you in an unhealthy situation, but staying in it for money or job security? ? Are there unresolved issues from your past that are haunting your present? Mia's Question: Mia is uncomfortable in her new job because her boss is sexually harassing her. She would like to know why she may be attracting men who are disrespectful to her throughout her life. Mia's Key Insights and Aha's: ? Her father didn't show emotions towards her ? She is the first woman from her family to work for a corporation ? She may believe that as a woman, she has to behave differently than a man ? She doesn't trust men and doesn't feel safe with them ? Her self-esteem took a hit after her last relationship How to get over it and on with it: ? She needs to update what she believes about men ? She should stand up for herself if she feels disrespected in anyway ? She needs to be in an environment where she is encouraged and supported Assignments and Takeaways: ? If you feel you are in a situation in which you are being harassed in any way, do not be silent. Seek out some kind of professional support and document what is happening. ? If feeling disrespected is a theme in your life, take a look at your relationship with yourself. How can you shift how you treat yourself, so that consequently other people start treating you differently? ? Do you need to set boundaries with some people in your life, so you feel more respected? Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link. Audible - Free audiobook download and a 30-day free trial. Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Secret Sauce Training Series Christine Hassler Free E-book @chrishassler on Snapchat @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Christine@christinehassler.com Jill@christinehassler.com...