68: Overcoming Self Doubt and Fear with Anneke

Over it and On with it with Christine Hassler show

Summary: LIsten in as I coach Anneke on putting her self doubt behind her so she can make the career changes she longs for by tapping into her unique gifts. It is important we all take time to look at the gifts we were born with. They are the gifts that lead to your calling, and the gifts that make you, you. Often, we disconnect from our gifts and the truth of who we are. It is when we are too paralyzed and blinded by self-doubt that we forget about and disconnect from our natural gifts. This call with Anneke was the first episode of the Over and On With It podcast. This session stands out for me because we explored the question, "Who am I?" and because of the level of vulnerability Anneke shared. Remember, we get to choose who we are. Not being who we are can be suffocating. We are not defined by other people's views of us. We are all born with natural gifts from the divine. It's up to us to embrace them and use them. After listening to this call I welcome you to revisit and complete the 'Who am I?' essence exercise from my introductory episode, The Why Behind this Podcast. Would you like to connect with a community of like-minded people and get all of my #lifehacks? You will when you join my Inner Circle. The Inner Circle is a membership community where you get access to one-on-one coaching calls, my customized, guided meditations and visualizations, and lifestyle practices. Consider/Ask Yourself: ? Do you feel like you are really living authentically? ? Are you fully expressing who you are, or are you being a version of yourself? ? Do you struggle with loneliness? ? Are you in touch with your emotions? ? Are you concerned about what other people think of you? Anneke's Question: Anneke is about to make a big career change and would like to know how to be open and honest about who she really is, and to shift from her pattern of keeping herself small and not seen. Anneke's Key Insights and Ahas: ? Acknowledging she sugarcoats her difficult emotions. ? She doesn't want to be a burden on others. ? Loneliness has been her friend, because it's when she gives herself a break. ? It's ok for other people not to like it when she is her authentic self. ? Recognizing she is staying in her comfort zone, because those emotions are familiar. How to Get Over It and On With It: ? Try taking actions to trust yourself and be consistently authentic. ? Don't compare yourself to other people, embrace your own essence. ? Be willing to remember the essence of who you truly are. ? Invite spirit into your space. ? Practice self-forgiveness. ? Don't be defined by what other people have told you about you. Assignments and Takeaways: ? Write out who you are, what is your unique essence? Then, for 30 days get in front of a mirror and make 'I am' statements with your answers. ? Pick 2?3 people to practice intimacy and authenticity with. ? Write a thank you letter to loneliness for giving you time alone. Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts The 'Who Am I?' Essence Exercise Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Christine@christinehassler.com