Ask the Coach Show #20 – Ma Lin’s Twiddling

Ask The Coach Show | Table Tennis show

Summary: <h4>Question 1 - 0:49</h4> <p>I've got a problem, I don't twist properly and the speed of my topspin drives are slow. I got the start and end positions right but i don’t twist much with the hip and the only thing that twists from me is my shoulder. How can i fix it? AmekunRaiane</p> <h4>Photo Bombing by Jeff's Mum - 2:30</h4> <h4>Question 2 - 2:40</h4> <p>Hi, I was wondering whether, in doubles, you and your partner are able to switch bats between points. I know that you can’t get a new bat, but i couldn't find an answer to this anywhere. Thanks. Bob James</p> <h4>Question 3 - 4:15</h4> <p>What should be the minimum height for the toss? And what if the server fails to achieve that minimum height? Can he be penalised in form of a point or is there something like a warning? Rutvik</p> <h4>Question 4 - 6:19</h4> <p>Recently I noticed that Ma Lin twiddled his bat right before he serves. I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how to twiddle. Yu</p> <h4>PingSkillers Question of the Day - 8:14</h4> <p>What lesson would you like us to film next?</p> <h4>Links in this Episode</h4> <p><a href="/table-tennis-forum/pen-hold-twiddling/">Ma Lin Twiddling Question</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis-forum/changing-bat-in-doubles/">Graeme Ireland’s Response to Doubles Bat Question</a></p>