Ask The Coach Show #29 - Expedite System in Action

Ask The Coach Show | Table Tennis show

Summary: <h4>PingSkillers Question of the Day - 0:40</h4> <p>Should the rules of Table Tennis be continuously evolving?</p> <h4>Question 1 - 2:45</h4> <p>My style of playing table tennis is as an attacker But when is the time to defense just like block or chop? As I only try to attack the ball as an attacker. Frendy Halim</p> <h4>Question 2 - 5:18</h4> <p>I have switched over to the shakehand grip and long pips on my backhand. I play 95% of my balls on the backhand. What are the best strokes to use with long pips to fool the other player? The group I play with hit about 75% underspin. Craig Smith</p> <h4>Question 3 - 8:40</h4> <p>Can you please explain what rule is being exercised in this rally and why the point was given to Ai Fukuhara? Arnab Ghosh</p> <h4>Question 4 - 14:24</h4> <p>Can I hit the ball with the side of my racket? it create some good speed, and it's also surprising. is it legal? Chezki Indursky</p> <h4>Links in this Episode</h4> <p><a href="/table-tennis/strokes-and-technique/long-pimple-chop-block/">Long Pimple Chop Block</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis/strokes-and-technique/long-pimple-attack-against-backspin/">Long Pimple Attack Against Backspin</a></p> <p><a href="">Expedite System in Action</a></p>