Ask The Coach Show #122 - What Strokes to Learn First

Ask The Coach Show | Table Tennis show

Summary: <h4>Last #PQOTD - 1:53</h4> <p>Should we continue to have the  #PQOTD ?</p> <h4>#PQOTD - 3:08</h4> <p>Should we continue to call the show the Ask the Coach Show or should we use another name?</p> <h4>Shadow Training - 3:42</h4> <p>Arthur: Good day, Great show as always ;), I would like to know if shadow training will improve my strokes, if it will, how much time will I spend, Thank you again, Arthur from Riyadh Saudi Arabia</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/starting-what-to-focus-on/">What Strokes to Learn First</a> - 8:46</h4> <p>Mike: I am new to table tennis and there is lots to think about. What is the first thing I should work on, and keep in my conscious mind to make habit? </p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/tournaments-or-club-first/">Joining a Club or Entering a Tournament</a> - 10:52</h4> <p>Pavle: I am really interested in joining a club and entering a tournament but it is difficult to find a club to join and the same for finding a tournament to enter. So which should I do first? Find a club to join or find a tournament to enter?</p> <h4>Hugs and Kisses - 13:42</h4> <p>Gargavis - COULD SEND A KISS AND A HUGS FOR THE BRAZILIAN?</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/serving-recoil/">Service Follow Through</a> - 16:06</h4> <p>Andrew: I notice a lot of top players at the end of the contact the bat is not moving or it is even moving backwards. For my heavy backspin serve I have to really follow thru with the bat and sometimes it will even hit my stomach. </p> <h4>Links in this Episode</h4> <p><a href="/table-tennis/strokes-and-technique/">Strokes &amp; Techniques Section</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis/serving-secrets/">Serving Secrets Course</a></p>