Show #155 - Rubber Suited for Plastic Balls

Ask The Coach Show | Table Tennis show

Summary: <h4>Last #PQOTD - 1:53</h4> <p>What is the most important part of your game? Technique, Tactics, Fitness and Mental?</p> <h4>#PQOTD - 6:13</h4> <p>What is your favourite Football Team?</p> <h4>Stroke Indecision - 7:18</h4> <p>Noel: Hello Alois &amp; Jeff, sometimes I get caught whether to block or loop the 4th or 5th ball, that indecision gets the ball in the net for me. How can I avoid getting in this situation? Is it a matter of stepping back and start a rally or try to block wide?</p> <h4>Improving Table Tennis in the US - 9:44</h4> <p>Mike D: New Premium member here :) Compared to other players around the world, there is a huge gap on the level of play in the United States. How can the US become more competitive with the rest of the world?</p> <h4>Best Dancer - 13:21</h4> <p>Noel: Who is a better dancer? Alois or Jeff?</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/poly-balls-and-rubber-types/">Rubber for Plastic Balls</a> - 14:44</h4> <p>Akash: Is mark V rubber is suited for plastic balls? it is because, mark V rubber has least price and comfortable for us, but i can't find that, mark V rubber is suited against plastic balls?</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/pro-players-that-need-to-slow-down/">Pros Slowing Down</a> - 15:51</h4> <p>Mark: Do you think any pro players would do even better by reining in their game? I see so many points lost just barely missing the edge of the table, but it's hard to say whether a softer shot would just invite a heavier counterattack.</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/two-coloured-ball-2014-chinese-league/">Two Coloured Balls</a> - 18:36</h4> <p>Marcin: Two Coloured Balls in Chinese League. I think it was a great Idea for the Sport. Why didnt it work? Pros were, having more information on spin of the Serve for the receiver. So hiding or Disguising were no more a big deal. Longer rallies to watch.</p> <h4>Links in the Episode</h4> <p><a href="">2015 Rubik's Cube World Championships</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis/strokes-and-technique/the-slow-spinny-topspin/">Slow Spinny Topspin</a> - for premium members</p> <p><a href="">Panda Dancing</a> (toward the end of the video)</p> <p><a href="">Point of the Century</a></p>